Good morning, Lord. Thank You for this day and for all the days of our lives. As we move into the summer, we are reminded that You bring everything to us in its season and that we need only have faith and trust in Your wisdom and Your love, and we will receive all that we need. We know this especially because You have given us the greatest gift of all. You gave Your beloved only Son to live and die with us so that our sins are forgiven, and to rise again so that we need not fear death.
While we know You provide all, we still boldly ask Your attention to the needs of ourselves, our church, and our world.
We know that you looked at Your creation and called it "good;" help us to be better stewards of that creation so that its goodness continues to glorify you. Especially guide the minds and hands of those working to stop the disastrous gushing of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and those working to clean and repair the ecosystem which has been so horribly damaged. Help them to work quickly and diligently for the good of your creation.
Please guide our leaders--the leaders of the world, the leaders of Your church on earth, the leaders of our communities, and the leaders of this church. Send Your Spirit to guide them, and give them open hearts to listen so that they work toward peace rather than war, build trust rather than suspicion, and always work and govern with justice and equity to the good of all Your people. We ask especially that You continue to support Pastor Bill Petersen as he prepares to join us as our leader, and we thank You for his presence--and that of his wife, Kay--here with us today.
Please continue to offer Your love and support to those who suffer from poverty or injustice. Help us to see them as you do: as beloved and important. Help us to serve them and to work toward a more equitable and just world--Your kingdom come--on earth.
Also, provide Your comfort to those who suffer illness, whether of body or mind. Guide the hearts and minds of those who care for them.
On this Father's Day, we thank You for all the loving fathers in this world, and we ask that You send Your Spirit to guide and support all fathers, that they may raise their children in love and wisdom.
And since our young people are so important and so fully deserve strong role models in our world, we ask that You bring forth from among us effective and energetic leaders for our Youth Ministry.
Again, we know that You provide all we need in its time and in its season, and therefore we praise you. All that we pray we send to You through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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