We bless you, God, our father, Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, Holy Spirit, our guide, for the life and love You have given us this day; we rejoice in Your love.
Lord, in Your kindness, bless this church. Help us to be faithful to you and do your work in our lives, our families, our neighborhoods and our world.
Lord, remember Your church throughout the world that Your people may dwell in peace.
Lord, remember all families, that they may live in harmony.
Lord, remember the sick and the dying, that they may know Your comfort and experience joy in the knowledge of Your care for them.
Lord, guide our call Committee in the way of your Truth. By your Holy Spirit make them faithful in discerning and acting on your plan for our church.
Lord, feed us at the table of Your Word and Your Bread--that we may follow you forever.
For all this we pray in the name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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