Monday, June 21, 2010

Gloria: Why U2 is So Important to Me

It was the winter of 1985 and I was spending it in Duluth, Minnesota. Duluth has much to offer, but its winters are as one might expect—cold and snowy. It is also a steep town, built as it is on a bluff on the far west of Lake Superior’s north shore. The local joke in Duluth is that when driving, the right of way belongs to the car coming down the hill sideways. It’s one of those jokes that’s funny because it’s true.

But I grew up in and around Ashland, Wisconsin, just one hour east of Duluth and also on THE great lake, so I wasn’t surprised or overwhelmed by its archetypal winter weather.

But the winters of my youth were not the only help I had in surviving those dark months; I was also listening frequently to U2’s album, The Unforgettable Fire, and something about the spare, haunting music of songs like “A Sort of Homecoming” and “MLK” felt like an apt soundtrack for my walks along the frigid white streets.

I was in Duluth attending graduate school at UMD, and I wasn’t enjoying the experience. The MA program in English was clearly second rate, I wasn’t feeling especially engaged intellectually, and I missed keenly the friends I had left back in my undergraduate town of Stevens Point. Of course, one of those I missed most was a young man with whom I was desperately and unrequitedly in love. While Mike saw me as a close friend, and while he also missed me greatly—a fact made evident by his frequent long letters—he was beginning to accept his sexuality. He could no longer deny that he was gay.

While I knew Mike was gay, and was coming close to accepting it myself, I still felt deeply the loss of his daily presence in my life. The distance between us was just too great, I thought, for my heart to stand much longer. My heart ached; it really did. I now understood the age old clichés. The longing to be with my friend was physical. Not sexual; we’d never had that kind of relationship, and now it was clear we never would, but there was an undeniably tactile element to the way I missed him.

This longing was so real; it was making me rethink some of my beliefs. I had been for several years an avowed atheist. Disenchanted with the Catholic church of my childhood since high school, I had dallied with Protestantism, but most protestants I met were of the Christmas and Easter variety, and therefore uninspiring. The few more devout protestants I met were annoying (read self-righteous and pushy). Eventually, my doubt stewed in the humanism of my college education, and I became an atheist. If anyone asked me about spirit or soul, I would say they didn’t exist. That when we died we simply rotted and our consciousness ceased to exist. When asked about love, I would explain it as the firing of synapses and chemical responses in the body—purely physiological.

But this love, this ache that I felt when I missed Mike, seemed too deep to be explained by physiology. To help me understand it, I started reading, and I happened to pick up C.S. Lewis’s apologetics: Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, and The Abolition of Man.
One day--another cold, gray, lonely Sunday--I was reading one of these books and listening to U2 on the headphones. This time I was listening not to The Unforgettable Fire, but to an earlier album, October. As I read, I sat on the hardwood floor of my small studio apartment, my back against the radiator to better absorb its warmth. Lewis’s words began to touch me, to speak to the feelings that betrayed the presence of a soul in my simple body. And then Bono began to sing the opening syllables of “Gloria.” Although I had listened to the song many times before, in this moment I finally truly heard it.

I try to sing this song
I, I try to stand up
But I can't find my feet.
I, I try to speak up
But only in you I'm complete.

In te domine
Oh, Lord, loosen my lips.

I try to sing this song
I, I try to get in
But I can't find the door
The door is open
You're standing there, you let me in.

In te domine
Oh, Lord, if I had anything, anything at all
I'd give it to you.

In te domine

The realization came to me in that moment, that what Bono was singing in that song was true for me, too. I had been trying to stand on my own two feet, trying to speak my mind, but I had no feet to stand on and no clear mind from which to speak until I could acknowledge my soul and allow that soul to recognize its savior. I heard Bono’s strident voice exult in the Lord and offer himself to Jesus, and I began to tremble. I felt all at once the presence of God in my life, of Jesus’ pure sacrifice of love for me, and I rejoiced. I felt overwhelmed by pure joy as I bathed in the light of that Love. And at the same time I wept and felt ashamed, because who was I to deserve such a pure gift? I had denied Him. I had sinned against Him. But as surely as I felt my guilt, I still felt His forgiveness and His love. I continued to tremble and weep until, exhausted, I allowed myself to fall into a dreamless sleep.

That was more than twenty-five years ago.  Recently, I’ve become more outspoken and public about my faith, and I’ve gotten heavily involved in a church community that I love: Faith Lutheran in East Hartford, CT.  Before finding my church, I nurtured and maintained my faith in much the way it began: by reading—more Lewis, along with St. Augustine, Anne Lamott, Phillip Yancey and others, as well as the Bible—and listening to the music of U2. And while I now have a church home, I still turn to reading and music to explore my faith. Bono’s lyrics have continued to speak to my experience of Christ, both as I glorify Him and as I struggle with doubt, dread, or despair for this world. They help me articulate the complex all-at-onceness that was my awakening in that Duluth apartment and that continues in my walk to this day.

In te domine

*”Gloria” Music and Lyrics by U2, 1984.

The Quotable Bono

"I come to lowly church halls and lofty cathedrals for what purpose? I search the Scriptures to what end? To check my head? My heart? No, my soul. For me these meditations are like a plumb line dropped by a master builder — to see if the walls are straight or crooked. I check my emotional life with music, my intellectual life with writing, but religion is where I soul-search."  

From the NY Times Op/Ed "It’s 2009. Do You Know Where Your Soul Is?"

More to come...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Prayers: June 20, 2010

Good morning, Lord. Thank You for this day and for all the days of our lives. As we move into the summer, we are reminded that You bring everything to us in its season and that we need only have faith and trust in Your wisdom and Your love, and we will receive all that we need. We know this especially because You have given us the greatest gift of all. You gave Your beloved only Son to live and die with us so that our sins are forgiven, and to rise again so that we need not fear death.

While we know You provide all, we still boldly ask Your attention to the needs of ourselves, our church, and our world.

We know that you looked at Your creation and called it "good;" help us to be better stewards of that creation so that its goodness continues to glorify you. Especially guide the minds and hands of those working to stop the disastrous gushing of oil in the Gulf of Mexico and those working to clean and repair the ecosystem which has been so horribly damaged. Help them to work quickly and diligently for the good of your creation.

Please guide our leaders--the leaders of the world, the leaders of Your church on earth, the leaders of our communities, and the leaders of this church. Send Your Spirit to guide them, and give them open hearts to listen so that they work toward peace rather than war, build trust rather than suspicion, and always work and govern with justice and equity to the good of all Your people. We ask especially that You continue to support Pastor Bill Petersen as he prepares to join us as our leader, and we thank You for his presence--and that of his wife, Kay--here with us today.

Please continue to offer Your love and support to those who suffer from poverty or injustice. Help us to see them as you do: as beloved and important. Help us to serve them and to work toward a more equitable and just world--Your kingdom come--on earth.

Also, provide Your comfort to those who suffer illness, whether of body or mind. Guide the hearts and minds of those who care for them.

On this Father's Day, we thank You for all the loving fathers in this world, and we ask that You send Your Spirit to guide and support all fathers, that they may raise their children in love and wisdom.

And since our young people are so important and so fully deserve strong role models in our world, we ask that You bring forth from among us effective and energetic leaders for our Youth Ministry.

Again, we know that You provide all we need in its time and in its season, and therefore we praise you. All that we pray we send to You through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Belief, Unbelief, and Prayers

I've entitled my blog "Soul Searching" because that's what I am--a soul always searching, doubting, believing, questing to know the truths of God's love and my calling to live a Christian life.

One of my favorite stories in the Bible comes from Mark (9:17-29): a man asks Jesus to cast the spirit out from his son, who has suffered for years from possession.  Jesus tells him (in a somewhat cranky tone, I might add), "'All things can be done for the one who believes.' Immediately the father of the child cried out, 'I believe; help my unbelief!'  Jesus saved the boy.  The cry of that father, "I believe; help my unbelief!" perfectly sums up my own longing.  I do believe, and yet I need help daily to overcome the many ways in which I doubt or do not act on my belief.

Later in that story, Jesus tells the disciples that the kind of healing he did for the possessed boy "can come only through prayer."  And prayer has become one of the ways that I have been trying to "help my unbelief."  My private prayers are simple and straightforward.  I thank God for the gifts in my life, for the ways I have felt His help and support recently, and then I ask God to help others I know who are going through a rough time, and finally I ask for continued help with the strengthening of my faith and my conviction to live a good life.  A typical private prayer might, then, go something like this: "Thank you for the wonderful church service today.  It helped me feel so close to you.  Thank you for the confirmation kids who make me laugh and think harder and love you more.  Please take care of Linda and Elijah who need your healing and support right now.  Please help me not give in so easily to worries and minor obsessions that keep me more distant from you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Amen."

I've been responsible for leading the prayers at my church's second service every Sunday for the past month or so.  Some people have asked me to share some of the prayers I've composed, so I decided that doing so would be an appropriate way to get this blog started. The first few entries, then, (and some of those to follow) are more formal prayers that I've written and read at my Church (Faith Lutheran in East Hartford, CT).  I hope you like them.  Feel free to borrow them anytime.

Prayers: June 13, 2010

Dear Lord, we come to You this morning knowing that You provide all for us, and we raise a prayer of thanks.  Your creation is a gift; it provides all our physical sustenance, delights us with its beauty, and humbles us with its unpredictable power.  Your church is a gift; it provides a deep well from which we are able to nourish our faith, and the fellowship that provides support for our life as Your people.  And Your Love and Grace are the greatest gifts of all; given without our asking or deserving.  For all these gifts we give our thanks and praise.

Although You give so much without our asking or deserving, we are still bold to ask Your help.  Help us to be humble in the face of Your love, to recognize it for the pure gift that it is and not to imagine that there is anything we have done or can do to deserve it other than simply believing in it and accepting it. Help us also to share the Good News of Your Grace and Love so that more people will know its power and be saved through faith.

We ask that You continue to send Your Spirit to guide Your church all over the world and especially our leadership here at Faith.  Help us to always serve You with pure hearts and open minds.  We also ask that You continue to offer support and inspiration to Pastor Bill Petersen as he prepares to join and lead us.

Help the leaders of our world to recognize the example of Your power which You wield with love and justice so that they can act in a way that brings justice and peace to our world, not inequity and war.
We also ask that You continue to offer healing and comfort to those suffering from illness, emotional distress, or infirmity so that they may know that they always rest firmly in the center of Your heart. 

We ask Your help for those laboring to stop the catastrophic gushing of oil in the Gulf of Mexico to work quickly and successfully.  Help, also, those working to clean up and reduce the awful impact of the oil on the creatures and habitat that is being destroyed.  Please provide support and hope to those whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed.

Even as we ask this, Oh Lord, we know in our hearts that You hear us and provide for us even before we speak, for You know us fully and love us fully.  You gave Your only Son to live among us and suffer with us.  Therefore we ask all of this through that Son, who lives and reigns with You for eternity.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Prayers: Date Unknown

We thank You for the glory of Your creation: the earth, the animals, plants, and trees. Help us always to remember that  You have made it and called it "good." Also, remind us that we live as part of Your creation and must care for it always to glorify Your work.

We thank You for our families and friends and for this church community. The love and support we receive from these important people in our lives provides for us a small reminder and inkling of the loveYou have for us--a love so great we can barely begin to understand and accept it as displayed through the sacrifice of Your only Son for our sake. We ask that You help us always to remember the love You have for us and for all Your people, and encourage us daily to look on each other with eyes that see the soul that You love in every person we encounter.

We thank You for the blessing of capable bodies and sound minds that allow us to do Your work and know Your will. We ask that You provide comfort and support to those suffering illness and infirmity of body or mind, guiding the hands and hearts of those that care for them.

We thank You for all Your gifts, Lord, and recognize you as the True Source of all we have. 

All this we pray in the name of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Prayers: June 6, 2010

Dear Lord, our God, we come together today to praise Your name, for You have provided all and show Your wondrous love to us daily.

The world You created for us to live in and the creatures with which we share it are beautiful. We know that You created life out of nothingness and You can bring life out of death. We pray that You help those working to stop the gushing of oil in the Gulf of Mexico to work quickly and successfully. We ask Your help and grace for those whose lives and livelihoods have been impacted by this tragedy and also that You help the creatures, water, and land that have been devastated to renew themselves again. We also ask that You guide all of us in better utilizing the gifts of Your creation so that we preserve and protect all the life You have created.

We also thank You for the gift of our lives, our families, and all humanity. Help us also to live out our responsibilities to each other, to care for each other, and to share our gifts with each other. Guide our hears and minds so that we can enact and promote justice and equity for all Your people. So that we will not put our own comfort and convenience ahead of the lives of our fellow human beings.

We thank You for Your gifts to this church and ask for the continued guidance of your spirit as we prepare to welcome our new pastor, Bill Petersen, and as he--newly ordained--prepares to be with us to lead and serve.

We thank and praise you for the comfort and compassion you bring to us in times of trial or illness. We ask that you continue to provide that comfort to those among us who are ill.

We ask especially that You provide comfort and knowledge of everlasting life to the family of Ralph Williams as they celebrate his life and mourn his passing.

Lord, who daily provides us so much to sustain our lives and our spirits, continue to guide us in Your ways throughout the coming week.

For all this we pray in the name of Your Son, our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Prayers: May 16, 2010

Dear Lord, we thank You for this day, this church, and each other.  We thank You for all of Your creation and for the senses You have given us to experience it.  We thank You for the minds You have given us that seek to understand this world, our place in it, and the evidence it provides us each day of Your goodness and glory.  We thank You for the hearts and souls You have placed in us that allow us to be filled with Your Spirit and with Your love. 

As we gather here to worship You, to glorify You, to praise Your holy name and to thank You for Your generous gifts, we also come to ask for Your help and guidance.  

We ask Lord, that You help us to make the most of Your creation, guiding us to care for it all, nurture it all, and share it all equally with everyone on this earth.   

We ask, too, that when we see a world that is filled with violence, with pain, and with poverty, that You help us to know that You are still with us, that You have felt the pain of the world through the gift and sacrifice of Your son, and that we can abide in You for our comfort and support.  Help us also to recognize the ways in which—with Your help and good will—we can conquer evil, build peace, soothe those in pain, and enact justice and equity for the poor. 

We ask especially that You help those who suffer now from ill health or infirmity of any kind, so that they may feel Your loving presence and know hope.   

Lord, this church community also thanks You for sending to us someone who might become our new pastor.  Please send Your Holy Spirit to us all, this congregation and the candidate, so that we can discern together Your will for our future work together in this church and in this community.   

All these prayers we send to You through Your Son, and our Savior, Jesus Christ.   Amen.

Prayers: May 9, 2010

Dear God, we thank you and praise you for your glorious creation, the many gifts you give to us each day as individuals and as members of your church.  You are a loving God, an awesome God, a compassionate God, and a generous God.  We glorify your name.

As we praise and thank You for Your gifts, we ask that when our hearts are full of fear and worry, You continue to grant us courage and hope. When anxiety is infectious and widening, grant us peace and reassurance. When impossibilities seem to close every door and window, grant us imagination and resourcefulness. When distrust twists our thinking, grant us healing and illumination. When our spirits are daunted and weakened, grant us soaring wings and strengthened dreams.

Gracious and holy God, lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, and our universe. 

As we go through the trials of life, help us to realize that You are with us at all times and in all things; that we have no secrets from You; and that Your loving grace enfolds us for eternity. In the security of Your embrace we pray for those who suffer illness and infirmity, that they too may feel Your love lifting them up and sustaining them.  

Lord, guide our congregational leadership in the way of Your Truth. By Your Holy Spirit make us faithful in discerning and acting on Your plan for our church. 

For all this we pray in the name of Your Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers: April 25, 2010

We bless you, God, our father, Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, Holy Spirit, our guide, for the life and love You have given us this day; we rejoice in Your love. 

Lord, in Your kindness, bless this church. Help us to be faithful to you and do your work in our lives, our families, our neighborhoods and our world. 

Lord, remember Your church throughout the world that Your people may dwell in peace. 

Lord, remember all families, that they may live in harmony. 

Lord, remember the sick and the dying, that they may know Your comfort and experience joy in the knowledge of Your care for them. 

Lord, guide our call Committee in the way of your Truth. By your Holy Spirit make them faithful in discerning and acting on your plan for our church. 

Lord, feed us at the table of Your Word and Your Bread--that we may follow you forever. 

For all this we pray in the name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 


Prayers: April 11, 2010

Dear God, we thank You and praise You for your glorious creation, the many gifts you give to us each day as individuals and as members of your church.  You are a loving God, an awesome God, a compassionate God, and a generous God.  We glorify your name.
As we praise and thank You for your gifts, we ask that You help us recognize always the presence of Your Spirit and that we allow it to guide us through the tasks and decisions big and small that we make each day.  We stand enfolded in the sustaining power of Your love, but we often become so concerned with how others see us or how we can meet the demands of modern life that we forget about that love or take it for granted.  Help us to recognize that Your love is what matters most, how you see us—with unconditional compassion—is what matters most, and that the work we do to share that love with Your creation and with each other is the work that matters most.
Dear God, help us to always remember that this is Your church, that it is here to serve You and to bring the good news of Your love to all.   May Your Spirit guide all of us, especially those of us directly involved in the process of calling our new pastor, to work together and listen to each other with discerning hearts.
We also pray today for those who suffer illness and infirmity of any kind, that they may feel Your love and care lifting them up and sustaining them. 
For all this we pray in the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen

Prayers: March 21, 2010

Dear God, we thank you and praise you for your glorious creation, the many gifts you give to us each day as individuals and as members of your church.  You are a loving God, an awesome God, a compassionate God, and a generous God.  We glorify your name. 

As we praise and thank You for Your gifts, we ask that when our hearts are full of fear and worry, You continue to grant us courage and hope. When anxiety is infectious and widening, grant us peace and reassurance. When impossibilities seem to close every door and window, grant us imagination and resourcefulness. When distrust twists our thinking, grant us healing and illumination. When our spirits are daunted and weakened, grant us soaring wings and strengthened dreams.
Gracious and holy God, lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Let peace fill our hearts, our world, and our universe.
As we go through the trials of life, help us to realize that you are with us at all times and in all things; that we have no secrets from you; and that your loving grace enfolds us for eternity. In the security of your embrace we pray for those who suffer illness and infirmity, that they too may feel your loving lifting them up and sustaining them. 
For all this we pray in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who taught these words of prayer: 
Our Father, Who art in heaven, 
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily break
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the honor, and the glory,
now and forever, 